Twitter messages sent per day has increased from 50 million in March 2010 to 140 million this month

Twitter is a social networking and micro blogging service by which you can contact yourself with your friend, family and office colleagues. Twitter is a real time informative social network that connects you to the latest information about what you find interesting.

Twitter popular service among celebrities, university students and house wives. Every age of people like and love to use twitter because everyone find thing according to his interest.
Many companies’ manager and CEO announce their new job at social network like twitter and Facebook.
Twitter and face book are well known social networking site and its consider very low cost connecting medium with your friends.

Twitter was celebrating its fifth birthday in March. Therefore the company has released its latest set of statistics about growth and usage, such as the fact that it took more than 3 years for users to send the first 1 billion “tweets”.

However, over the past year the average number of Twitter messages sent per day has increased from 50 million in March 2010 to 140 million this month, the company says in a blog post.

Currently, an average of 460,000 new Twitter accounts are created every day, while the number of Twitter mobile users has spiked 182 percent year-on-year.