Final-year-project-proposal-for University students

The project “Soft UML” is application software. This software is basically helping software. This software will help software engineers to develop UML diagrams. Soft UML is a Case Tool which is used to draw all diagrams of UML. This software will provide following facilities to its users.
There are nine types of UML diagrams. These are as follows.
1. Use case diagrams
2. Class diagrams
3. Object diagrams
4. Sequence diagrams
5. Collaboration diagrams
6. Activity diagrams
7. Sate chart diagrams
8. Component diagrams
9. Deployment diagrams

Our software will provide the facility to draw all of these diagrams.
Another major facility which this software will provide to its users is the generation of code. By the help of this software users will be able to generate code in C++ language.
Generation of code from this software will help the users to generate rapid application because generation of will make their work easy and less efforts will be required in implementation phase.
As the actual users of this software will be software engineers and analysts and this is application software so this software is helping software which will provide help in the development of other soft wares.