Final-year-project-ideas-for University students


Portable Sales Tracker is software related to Sales transaction on Pda’s.The basic objective is to provide facility to the sales man in transaction and to the organization to manage the all different kind of transaction and processes on the PDA for reducing the manual and paper work. This software is divided in three modules Main Database, PDA’s, Synchronization.In main database will contain the product management, stock management, employee management,plan management, order and Delivery management. The PDA will contain compact information regarding main database, it will contain stock info, product info, client info, order, delivery, expenses management. And the synchronization will synchronize the data of main database and PDA.

The SPO will attach the PDA with the main database before going to the his client and all the necessary information needed for the SPO will be transfer to the database of PDA from the main database by synchronization .The information needed to
the SPO will be related product, stock, customer, during the whole day the SPO will save the transaction made during the day on the PDA .Then at the end of the day the SPO will attach the PDA with the main database and the main data base will be updated by synchronization.

The main database will contain information regarding employees, product, stock, and it will generate the reports for the director, manager. Director and manager will be on the client end and the Admin will be on the Server ,Admin will have all the rights and the director ,manager can view and search only on client end.