Interesting Reason:More then 100 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Woman.
NO Girl Friend = No tension.

Hy Guys.Please don’t take tension if you don’t have any girl friend. Now you many more then 100 reason why life is Tension less without woman.

Make Beer you friend and start a new and Chill Life.Make your life easy with BEER.

Have you think about it that beer have many reason to prefer at female.
Where you will find interesting reason why beer is better then girl.
So just leave your girl friend and think about BEER and chill you lifeā€¦.

Start a chill life without Girl Friend and make beer your Girl Friend.


There is also many benefit of beer in daily life health. Now its scientifically proved that beer also reduce the risk of heart.It also reduce the risk of Kidney Stone.Beer also make a guy feel energetic and fresh while when a guys spent more time with girl its feel tired .Beer also cause to strong the bone and A man feel young.Beer is good for hair health and also give benefit for mental health.Beer is good for male potency.Beer gives a man a power.Beer have a lot of otassium, magnesium, phosphorus in it which help a lot for good health of GUY.

So there are a lot of benefit and reason to prefer beer to girl.

Click at picture to Enlarge view and for clear reading for Interesting Reason:More then 100 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Woman.

107 reason why beer is better than woman